How can we make more nutritious soup for more people?

To bring more "meat to the soup" you have to do SEO!
the.fmsoup still doesn't rank at all when you google "Filemaker Forum".

SEO isn't that hard. Here's a list of what to do:

  • Use "FileMaker Forum" (and similar Keywords) in the sitetile.
  • Use "FileMaker Forum" in some headlines.
  • Use "FileMaker Forum" in some texts.
  • Use "FileMaker Forum" in some image names
  • Use "FileMaker Forum" in the alt-tags of these images.
  • Use "FileMaker Forum" in some URLs, like e.g. ""
  • Build backlinks from relevant Pages, e.g. by posting in other forums, FB, etc.

And then be patient!

All of this can be made within half a day.