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All these things that you MUST KNOW or be aware of if you develop in FileMaker. |
QuestionsLooking for information? Ask here. You have an answer? Respond! BEGINNERS and EX-BEGINNERS questions are equally welcome. Nagging unknowns are the broth of our soup.
Lounge (Discussions)Unlike the Questions channel, which purpose is to ask practical questions to solve an issue, the Discussions Lounge is where we can discuss in depth different approaches and methods, best practices, explore the implications of certain characteristics of the platform and ecosystem, propose creative workshops to develop a new concept or to improve a functionality.
Curated CollectionsThis channel is a visit in members’ curated collections of articles, links, resources, etc. The validity or accuracy of the content is the curator’s own responsibility.
Site FeedbackDiscussion about this site, its organization, how it works, and how we can improve it.
ResourcesFM resources other than FMI official documentation
Products, Plugins & FM hosting/cloud servicesRead the rules. Follow the rules.
ClarisClaris has not endorsed in any way the content of this channel. Our primary objective in maintaining this channel is mostly to provide organised outbound links to official documentation.
ReviewsReviews of non FM resources for your other technology needs as a Developer, Programmer, User, Project Manager, etc.