Acronyms, prefixes, suffixes commonly used

String Meaning
c prefix or suffix developers put in field names to inform that it is a calculated field
CRUD create, read, update, and delete: the four basic functions of persistent storage.
DRY Don't Repeat Yourself : DRY coding
ERD Entity Relationship Diagram
ESS integration External SQL Source. Some Database Engines like Oracle and MS SQL are sources for FileMaker. One may even add a TO to tables in such a database.
ET a little alien External Table (often viewed from another context through a portal)
FK Foreign Key
g prefix or suffix developers put in field names to inform that it is a global field
GTRR go to related records
KISS Keep it stupid and simple
MVP Minimum Viable Product
PK Primary Key
PSOS Perform Script On Server
RAD Rapid Application Development
RG Relationship Graph
TO Table Occurrence
TOG Table Occurrence Group


  • Remove 'c' and 'g' entries as they are more naming conventions (not too sure a single letter can be an acronym, but I may be wrong)
  • If possible, use table markdown to make this easier to read
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True. However naming convention are commonly used by chunks of people in the community, are often understood or easy to deduce by people in the know and experts but require to be explicit for newbies.