Announcing the release of elemental_dropzone - Drag and drop multiple files with ease

Digital Fusion Ltd is thrilled to announce the release of elemental_dropzone. This is our first add-on and we think it's pretty special. With it you can drag and drop multiple files (including folders) into your FileMaker solutions. No more adding one file at a time.

It's supported across all platforms including WebDirect and FileMaker Go.

Best of all it's 100% free. Check it out at


Hello @weetbicks,
That is a nice and helpful addition for developers.
Could you please indicate the type of license that applies?

Awesome! Can't wait to check it out. I've always love your interface files.

Amazing work @weetbicks . Thanks so much.

hi @Torsten It's open source as far as my part of it is concerned, you can use it in your own solutions as much as you like. It's based on which itself is open source.