ChatGPT and FileMaker

After I pointed chatGTP to FileMaker's documentation I tried a few inquires.

Q: Using the While function, can convert the comma-separated list (previously supplied) into a JSON array

# Define the comma-separated list
Set Variable [ $list ; Value: "Company,Contact,Country¶Alfreds Futterkiste,Maria Anders,Germany¶Centro comercial Moctezuma,Francisco Chang,Mexico¶Ernst Handel,Roland Mendel,Austria¶Island Trading,Helen Bennett,UK¶Laughing Bacchus Winecellars,Yoshi Tannamuri,Canada¶Magazzini Alimentari Riuniti,Giovanni Rovelli,Italy" ]

# Convert the list to a JSON array
Set Variable [ $json ; Value: "[" ]
Set Variable [ $rowNumber ; Value: 1 ]
While [ $rowNumber ≤ ValueCount ( $list ) ]
   Set Variable [ $row ; Value: Substitute ( GetValue ( $list ; $rowNumber ) ; "," ; "¶" ) ]
   Set Variable [ $json ; Value: JSONSetElement ( $json ; "" ; $row ; JSONString ) ]
   Set Variable [ $rowNumber ; Value: $rowNumber + 1 ]
   If [ $rowNumber ≤ ValueCount ( $list ) ]
      Set Variable [ $json ; Value: JSONSetElement ( $json ; "-" ; "," ; JSONObject ) ]
   End If
End Loop
Set Variable [ $json ; Value: JSONSetElement ( $json ; "-" ; "]" ; JSONObject ) ]

# Display the JSON array
Show Custom Dialog [ "JSON Array" ; $json ]


:thinking: interesting… I then tried a lighter task;

Q: Using the Substitution function, can you write a calculation to convert proper month names to abbreviated month names

  • Yes, you can use the Substitute function in FileMaker to convert proper month names to abbreviated month names by creating a calculation field with the following formula:
Let ([    properMonth = "January"; abbreviatedMonth = "Jan";    properMonth2 = "February"; abbreviatedMonth2 = "Feb";    properMonth3 = "March"; abbreviatedMonth3 = "Mar";    properMonth4 = "April"; abbreviatedMonth4 = "Apr";    properMonth5 = "May"; abbreviatedMonth5 = "May";    properMonth6 = "June"; abbreviatedMonth6 = "Jun";    properMonth7 = "July"; abbreviatedMonth7 = "Jul";    properMonth8 = "August"; abbreviatedMonth8 = "Aug";    properMonth9 = "September"; abbreviatedMonth9 = "Sep";    properMonth10 = "October"; abbreviatedMonth10 = "Oct";    properMonth11 = "November"; abbreviatedMonth11 = "Nov";    properMonth12 = "December"; abbreviatedMonth12 = "Dec";    inputString = YourTable::properMonthField];
Substitute ( inputString ;
    properMonth ; abbreviatedMonth ;
    properMonth2 ; abbreviatedMonth2 ;
    properMonth3 ; abbreviatedMonth3 ;
    properMonth4 ; abbreviatedMonth4 ;
    properMonth5 ; abbreviatedMonth5 ;
    properMonth6 ; abbreviatedMonth6 ;
    properMonth7 ; abbreviatedMonth7 ;
    properMonth8 ; abbreviatedMonth8 ;
    properMonth9 ; abbreviatedMonth9 ;
    properMonth10 ; abbreviatedMonth10 ;
    properMonth11 ; abbreviatedMonth11 ;
    properMonth12 ; abbreviatedMonth12

Q: can you simplify that to just the Substitute function?

  • Yes, you can use the Substitute function in FileMaker to convert proper month names to abbreviated month names by creating a calculation field with the following formula:
Substitute ( YourTable::properMonthField ;
    "January" ; "Jan" ;
    "February" ; "Feb" ;
    "March" ; "Mar" ;
    "April" ; "Apr" ;
    "May" ; "May" ;
    "June" ; "Jun" ;
    "July" ; "Jul" ;
    "August" ; "Aug" ;
    "September" ; "Sep" ;
    "October" ; "Oct" ;
    "November" ; "Nov" ;
    "December" ; "Dec"

Q: Can you add the understanding to the Substitute function; Multiple substitutions are allowed when you enclose each pair of searchString and replaceString parameters within brackets [ ]. Then try the calc again?

  • Yes, you can use multiple substitutions with the Substitute function by enclosing each pair of searchString and replaceString parameters within brackets . Here's an updated version of the calculation using this syntax:
Substitute ( YourTable::properMonthField ;
    ["January"; "Jan"] ;
    ["February"; "Feb"] ;
    ["March"; "Mar"] ;
    ["April"; "Apr"] ;
    ["May"; "May"] ;
    ["June"; "Jun"] ;
    ["July"; "Jul"] ;
    ["August"; "Aug"] ;
    ["September"; "Sep"] ;
    ["October"; "Oct"] ;
    ["November"; "Nov"] ;
    ["December"; "Dec"]

:+1:t3: cool