FileMaker Server 19 - Release Notes

Sorry but I’ve worked with enterprise scale databases for 30 years - all of them have baked in recovery mechanisms. Why is this so hard for Claris to get right? My mistaken understanding was that the turning off of the recovery mechanism also turned off the performance improvements that accompanied it. Is this not the case?

Thanks. My point is definitely that we (not you apparently) have a very few visibility about updates consistence. Official Information is poor. That was the reason of my long shot. The “numbers” of my customers didn’t change at all for sure. Only the update seemed to change the game. Why ? It is probably impossible to say without any information about the changes made into FileMaker software.

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I know this seems irrelevant, but it is important to understand. It's the other way around. The performance gains ( also kind of a hard thing to fully quantify in all cases ) are what lead to that specific data recovery.

That is not, however, the only data recovery in the platform. It is just specifically tied the behavior and change in the database engine itself.

It's actually hard for everyone to get right. I've been on both sides of enterprise database software...and have found that very few actually do have it right. And even for those platforms that use an engine that "got it right", they may not being using it correctly. Whether we are talking SalesForce, NetSuite, Oracle, MySQL, and every flavor database driven platform, they have all found DR and data caching to be hard.

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So have I. And it's kinda irrelevant. The FM platform doesn't tout itself as enterprise-grade with all the built-in tools that enterprise IT expects out-of-the box. That doesn't exclude FM from being used in enterprise environments, in fact that's where I live. And it doesn't mean you cannot set up enterprise-level disaster recovery. I've talked at many Devcons about just that. 10 years ago I did a preso on setting up a high-availability FMS deployment for one of the world's largest banks and I shared many of the DR procedures around that. They are still my customer 10+ years later so I guess it's working...

That's an impossible question. Have you never had a particularly baffling issue in your code? I bet you did, then you know the feeling that they have.

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