Get (foundcount) calc field to count related records + bonus discussion about the ETS program

Emphasis is mine.

For V 19 ETS, we had to send an email to someone, what if that person doesn't read his email, and do not read all of them because he is busy. I think that applications for ETS should proceed through a form and these forms should be handle by someone who will make sure they get the attention needed. This is communication 101.

Speaking of communication, I remember a few years ago when FMI changed licensing for the first time. A lot of people were having a hard time understanding the new licensing - communication - even people with FMI, I was told that by a FMI employee.

It's not that I want to rant, but communication seems an issue at FMI/Claris. I still remembrer the documentation that was sent about ETS where the functionalities to test were described, some notes were clearly expressed, but some others were in no way clear. For a proper ETS, things need to be correctly communicated.

Still on the matter communication, we were told that FDS will be replaced, and we still don't know what's coming. It's hard to follow Claris when they don't themselves where they are heading.

Sorry, but that needs to be said.

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