Is there any performance issue if I use button bar to display a calculation result in list view?

Hi, I am curious is there any performance issue if I use a button bar to display data.

For example,
From Date A ~ Date B on the list view, where Date A and Date B are date fields. Overall, a text result will return.

When the solution grows(many records on the layout), will it slow down when the user goes to this layout when compared to the unstored calculation field?

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Hi Sam

The performance will follow the same rules as if you were using an unstored calculation field; the more complex the calculation the bigger hit on performance.

I would imagine the example you've provided would hardly have any impact at all. However, for instance, do not try to use ExecuteSQL for this purpose.



This is one dirty trick I started to use to build formulas in the primary file for not have to change the user data file (my way of Data Separation).
I started to use this even with 'Let' Functions with multiple Execute SQL processes.


Dark arts... :broom:

So is it better to create a field for display purpose or using merge field(with combination of hide calculation for empty values of Date A and Date B)?

I got a major slowdown with this. I was using a few buttons on “dashboard” page of the solution which were showing how many complaints remained to process in each category. Clicking the button would bring up the corresponding found set.


Personally, I always use merge fields amongst text, but it is down to personal preference. It all comes down to the overhead of the calculation itself.


I'm not sure if we do the same:
I have no scripts associated to the button at all. I use only the formula editor for the label to show a result you would usually build with a conventional formula field.
Let's say you want a "field" to represent a complete address. The formula for the label could then look like:
MyTable::Sex & " " & MyTable::Name & " " & MyTable::Surname & ¶ & MyTable::Street …

Yep this is fine. I understood that you use Execute SQL

I was doing the following calculation for the button labels:

"To request more info (" & ExecuteSQL() & ")"
"CRTC jurisdiction (" & ExecuteSQL() & ")"
"Qualified (" & ExecuteSQL() & ")"


I love @AndyHibbs's reply, and I think it is spot-on.

I have used the button-bar-to-display-a-calc technique, even pushing the envelope a little bit, and never with any performance hit.

The guidelines that I have always used have been pretty much implied by what Andy has said:

  • I stay very aware that I am doing the equivalent of writing an unstored calculation, and as such, I stay away from anything that would require pulling additional data across the network in order to evaluate. (This would include the use of ExecuteSQL.)

  • If the data is already stored in the local record which I know has been pulled to the client, I use it without reservation.

  • If I need to do some simple manipulations with that data that is already stored in the same record, I don't hesitate to do so.

  • Even if I need to compare that data against something that is stored in a global variable or global field, I will allow myself to do so, but I will stay mindful of two things:

    • How intensive the comparison operation will be.
    • How many records I expect to be displayed at any given time.

I've posted an example of a couple of the ways that I've worked with this technique:

Here is a screen-shot of a layout that uses various button-bar calculations for some enhanced list-view layout features:

A brief video showing this layout in action can be viewed here.

Hope this helps.

Kind regards,
