Performance core principles: 7. Screen redrawing


What is the effect on performance of windows, lists and portals redrawing and what is the effect of using freeze? When is it useful to use a blank layout within a scripted process and how does it effect performance?

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This is basic physics, the more stuff and the greater the complexity that you ask FileMaker to draw on the screen the more work in involved hence the longer it takes.

There will be marked difference between different deployments based on server speed, network speed and latency, and client device speed and graphics processing power, but the underlying issue remains, do less do it faster, do more do it slower, relatively.

Having a lot of stuff on a screen can be split into two areas, getting the data and then rendering it along with whatever decorations also exist on the screen.

Getting the data has been touched on elsewhere under [Relationships] [other?].

On this topic we are primarily concerned when what is drawn on the screen.

We also want to know what are the screen rendering (and network data load) implications of items out of sight on tabs and sliders and out of sight to the right of the visible screen layout.

Use case 1: Visible objects

Use case 2: Objects that are visible if a tab is opened or a slider is slide

User case 3: Objects in the developer area to the right "off screen"

[Would folk like to contribute their experience under these three heads?]

Cheers, Nick

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Case 3

@Cecile said:


Feb '20

I was listening to a presentation by Douglas Walllis at DevCon 2019 and I don't know if people are aware but they changed how FileMaker deals with the info in the greyed area: eventhough those objects are not rendered in the window, if they involve calculations, those calculations and anything related is downloaded from the server and processed.