RStudio became a Public Benefit Corporation

RStudio, developer of programming tools related to the R language became a Public Benefit Corporation. In a nutshell, it abandons the shareholder value concept for the balanced stakeholder value concept.

That's great. RStudio is a nice tool. I use the free version.

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RStudio provide an interesting comparison to Claris. They produce a client IDE called RStudio Desktop which we can compare with FMP. They produce a server product, Shiny Server and RConnect, which we can compare with FileMaker Server.

They offer an open-source product and a pro version side by side. The open source product is full featured and suitable for individuals and small work groups. The pro version adds some really useful productivity tools. That is similar to the old division between FileMaker Pro and FMP Advanced/Developer.

They also offer a bunch of extras, like, which is a web publishing platform for R projects. This web service starts with a free option that allows 5 apps and up to 25 active hours per month. That offering is obviously for tinkering, like a student doing course work. The Basic plan is US$39 for 500 hours, unlimited number of apps.

What interests me is that the open-source and free resources allows individuals and small organisations to use the product without obstacle. Then there is a gradual slope up into paid services. The fully featured setup using the pro versions comes with a handsome price tag, so they do expect people to find value in their commercial products.


Don’t forget though that R itself is totally FREE And, R is an awesome start package with wide adoption, free plugins, and no perceived greed. Great for ML applications.

Anybody else doing ML stuff here???

I'm currently heavily into building a logistic regression model for a client's multi-GB dataset. I'm loving it!!!

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