for years (decades!), we have been slow on updating - don't go to a new version too early...
Times have been changed now.
- the older one gets, the faster time passes by
- filemaker wants the latest 2 macOS and the latest 2 versions of fm to interoperate
- this has been changed now as well: fm19 will only share data with fm18 and newer, no more fm17
- the servers (all MacMini's) here are on macOS 10.12/fms17. The servers are just and only fm servers - with one exception: One of the Mini's is used ~ 4 times a year by our bookie, the financial software we are using is always somewhat 'late' when it comes to supporting the latest os... fortunately the financial sw is now available for catalina
- so, if we want to begin using fm19, we need to have those machines updated
We are really lucky to have wonderful customers and wonderful projects - quite some of them. Means: We are short in time...
Due to corona, our daily schedules are somewhat filled with online-meetings, sometimes all day long
So, I decided to move the main servers to a new os and to a fms version that supports fm18 and fm19 - there is a time-gap for this right now... invoices are out, those servers are not on heavy load - and there are 2 long weekends ahead where customers wont work much
I have no glue what the near future brings.. a new version of fm/fms every 4 month, I got a site license here that is only available as a 'renting license' (fba)
Therefore, I decided to 'go catalina' and to 'go fms19'. The release notes for 19 show some issues fixed - but apparently still existing on fms18, I could not find any warnings for fms19 (might be only a few people running fms19, might be that the 'official' forums are that unhandy so nobody will post..., whatever)
Installing/updating catalina is no longer that self-explaining, Apple has 'lost the usability'.
There is a progress-bar that does not really move, all of the sudden, the screen turns black (installation takes some time, I do not look all the time onto that machine...).
Then the system seems to be updated and ready to configure. Best is, that the option for storing some directories on iCloud is no longer 'on' by default - takes always some time to check that out.
Configuring iCloud is a mess, several pwd are asked without any fast message on the screen (You are typing in the iCloud pwd but the system already asks for the pwd of the machine), etc.
Many utilities (chronosync..) will not run without user-actions, etc.
The system is not as crispy as 10.12 on that Mini, but after a day, it's more or less ok.
Installing (the old version of fms was already uninstalled, backups of the data saved and checked) fms19 is easy - besides of a wrong cert (accidentally copied the wrong one..)
Configuring fms takes more time.. there are some tasks one can only enable/disable via command line (we got some inventory lists without pwd...). Schedules as well are somewhat different to define compared to older versions of fms.
I did not import schedules, some of them were outdated, no longer used - so I decided to create that from scratch, using the previous folder hierarchy (created screenshots since the folders will not show...)
All schedules manually tested, working fine
Databases seem to perform well during the first tests, were available on all devices
So far so good - but the next few weeks will tell us more...
Question: Who is already running fms19 today? Experience?