[FM Weetbicks] Server Compatible Dynamic Portal Sorting

Greetings all,

Dynamically sorting portals has always been a struggle for FileMaker Developers — in this new #FileMaker Weetbicks article we introduce a method using Value Lists which avoids unstored calculations and is compatible with FileMaker Server's ability to sort records. We also go in depth on the journey to come up with this approach and along the way you may just learn a bit about Value Lists and how they can be sorted, along with some of the challenges involved.

Read the Full Article & Download the Example File Here

As always an example file is included, thank you for reading.




Exciting. I think FileMaker's value lists are like The Umbrella Academy. They have super powers that aren't fully understood, they can be difficult to work with, as a result they are under-utilised or overlooked.

Also, great work @steve_ssh !