I mean yes it works, and will probably give consistency, but how calculations are formatted is quite a personal preference and I find the MBS method just doesn't really work well for me when it comes to larger calculations, but give it a try and see how it works for you.
Thanks all. I have resisted upgrading for a while since my brain simply can't parse the directions so it always takes me an hour to do... but this might be enough to get me to do it.
For complex calculations I use BBEdit. If you add the attached plist as a Language Model BBEdit will recognise FileMaker syntax and colour code it correctly. When I'm done I copy it back into the calculation editor.
For simple calculations I work directly in the calculation editor and make heavy use of option-tab to indent cleanly.
Got it! I had multiple copies installed and for some reason it lost my license, so I had to re-add the license, and then find the extra copies and remove them. All set now. Thank you for confirming this exists before I went through the steps.
Maybe someday when I grow up I'll be a real developer, but for now I'm just a UX guy who uses a Mac and hacks some things together... lol.