I need some help getting charts to work with Carafe.FM. I am working on C3 Donut v2.1.3 now but I have tried others in the past and I am just not getting it.
I can hard code the data but I should be able to use JSONSetElement and I am not sure what I am doing wrong. I think I need to set it as an array? But I am not sure how to do that in JSON.
below is what I am passing as a script parameter.
JSONFormatElements (
JSONSetElement ( $$JSON ;
[ "carafeWebViewerObjectName" ; "CustomerIncomePercent" ; "JSONString"]
; [ "Total" ; $Total; "JSONString"]
; [ "InContract" ; $Incontract ; "JSONString"]
; [ "Potential" ; $Potential; "JSONString"]
; [ "Unlikely" ; $Unlikely; "JSONString"]
Format instructions
JSONSetElement( $parameter ; [ "carafeWebViewerObjectName" ; "CustomerIncomePercent" ; JSONString ] ; [ "jsonData" ; $jsonData ; JSONString ])
{"chartData":[["PO","150000.00"],["PO Remaining","100000.00"],["PO Utilized","50000.00"]]}