Hello there. As stated above looking for API based map service to display multiple locations in web viewer.
There are many offerings online so maybe someone can give me a hint which one might work. Thank you!
leaflet is an option or apple map that you just pay a developer fee once a year
I have a scientific research application which includes a map showing sample source locations around the world using Google Maps API. Clustering works, distance calculations between locations (show me other sources within XX kilometers, etc.).
This requires a credit card for a watermark-free version, but depending on your volume you may or may not experience any costs applied to your credit card. NOTE: I've not started any new projects using Google Maps, so I can't say with certainty what their current policy is regarding fees. My apps using it have been delivered to clients sometime ago and they deal with any costs, if any.
Edit to add: It appears that Google Maps via API is still free, but (still) requires an API key (of course). A few months ago I needed to test it for a project and my old API did not work without the watermark. I had to supply a credit card to get a new one, but have never been charged for using it (in my use cases). They have other tiers, SDK options, etc. which do have a fee associated.
LOL: forgot to add link.
Radar.com has a decent free plan, and you don't need a credit card to sign up.
@greenflux @daleallyn @mike275 Thank You All! Will investigate further and hope one can do the pinning of our main address list in one map displayed in webviewer!
I suggest you test each with your particular addresses. @greenflux kindly suggests looking at Radar. They had previously shared a use-case of that API and I looked for it quickly here and couldn't find it so I could link to the thread here (couldn't recall the service name at the time). I'm glad it was added to the list here.
In the case of Radar, it did not handle my Thailand addresses correctly, but it did handle U.S. based addresses brilliantly. It appeared to me that they have regional strengths and weaknesses (as I suspect most do). Thailand has some "messy" address conventions, so it's not surprising. I also tried it for Bahrain (horrible [to me] address conventions) and it failed there as well. Again, they were right on in the U.S. in my tests.
Thanks @daleallyn very helpful. So far I am concluding my workflow will be this:
Take my FM address table and then calling the Geocoding API to transform all US addresses in 2 coordinates returned by my batch API call.
Then somehow (haven't figured it out yet) call the Google Map API with these and with magic get it pinned in a webviewer. (Long way to go)
My first effort to incorporate Google Maps into a solution greatly benefited from @jeremyb 's contribution to the community with his Web Viewer Integration demo file. When downloaded originally the Map demo presented a working map with many address, clusters, etc., but I believe the new Google API requirements may need a tweaking of the API key. Still it's a good file to "reverse engineer".
Here's the updated version by the same team (Soliant Consulting) on Carafe.fm which includes a how to VDO to help get started.
And Carafe documentation here.
Maybe some of this will help your process.
And... if you'd like an example of the most simple implementation using Latitude and Longitude, here's a file I found in the community years ago (2018?). I've not used this approach, preferring JavaScript tools, but this is an example of a really easy method, depending on your needs.
GoogleMap.fmp12 (212 KB)
Sorry, I don't recall who posted it.
@daleallyn Many Thanks! Will check it out.
((Frankly this stuff is tough. But won't give up yet! I find any math algorithm way easier to implement because they are fully defined ... APIs are always tricky and if the trick is esoteric info then this is where you (or at least me) get stuck))