MBS FileMaker Plugin 10.0 - More than 6000 Functions In One Plugin

Nickenich, Germany - (January 14th, 2020) -- MonkeyBread Software today is pleased to announce MBS FileMaker Plugin 10.0 for macOS, iOS, Linux and Windows, the latest update to their product that is easily the most powerful plugin currently available for FileMaker Pro. As the leading database management solution for Windows, macOS, iOS and the web, the FileMaker Pro Integrated Development Environment supports a plugin architecture that can easily extend the feature set of the application. MBS FileMaker Plugin 10.0 has been updated and now includes over 6000 different functions, and the versatile plugin has gained more new functions:

In this release we include with JavaScript functions our own JavaScript engine based on the DukTape opensource project. Duktape is an embeddable Javascript engine, with a focus on portability and compact footprint. You can evaluate JavaScript snippets, get and set global properties and add custom functions written in JavaScript. Those JavaScript functions work on FileMaker Server for server side scripts including WebDirect and PSoS.

For web viewer on Windows using Internet Explorer you can use WebView.Evaluate function to run JavaScript and get the result back. Call JavaScript function with WebView.CallFunction function and pass parameters and receive results. We convert between FileMaker data types and JavaScript, so numbers are passed as numbers and not converted to text. WebView.Evaluate is supported on MacOS, Windows and iOS.

With MacOS Catalina and iOS 13 Apple includes new machine learning capabilities, which you can use in your applications to update a model on device with new training data. Improved SyntaxColoring.AddContextMenuCommand for MacOS to add separators and add hotkeys to menu entries.

For Windows use WMFP functions to play video/audio independent of FileMakers's container field control. This includes playing audio in background. We added more parameters to Printer.SetPrinter function to set paper format, orientation and source.

In your FileMaker iOS SDK application use DocumentCameraScan functions to scan documents via camera on iOS, rectify them and store them in container fields or files. Use ContinuityCamera functions to scan documents or take pictures on iOS and store them in your database on Mac. Use EIDSDK functions and Zetes Bluetooth card reader on iOS to scan Belgian ID cards.

Use Window.PositionNextDialog function to position dialogs in FileMaker on MacOS and Windows. Check network statistics with SystemInfo.NetworkStats function and copy multiple files parallel with Files.CopyFiles function. Added DynaPDF.CreateGoToAction and related to add links to tables in PDF. We improved XML.ToJSON, SmartCard.ReadFile and performance for EventMonitor functions on Windows and receiving data in CURL for POP3 and IMAP protocols.

Finally we updated DynaPDF to version, CURL to 7.67.0, LibArchive to 3.4, SQLAPI to 5.0.3, zint to 2.7, LibXL to 3.8.8 and Xcode to version 11.3.

See release notes for a complete list of changes:

More details in the release notes. Please take the time to check our 500 example databases and check where you can use our plugin features in your solutions.

System Requirements:

  • macOS 10.9 or later, including macOS 10.15
  • Windows 7 and newer, including Windows 10 and Windows Server 2020
  • FileMaker Cloud for AWS (64-bit Linux)
  • FileMaker Pro 7 to 18
  • FileMaker iOS SDK 16 to 18

Pricing and Availability:
MBS FileMaker Plugin is available directly from the MonkeyBread Software website with licenses starting at just $149 (USD). You can just download and try the plugin without a license or request a trail license. Not all functions are available in all platforms, please check specifications. Please join us on the next conferences and visit our booth.

Monkeybread Software:

MBS FileMaker Plugin Website:

Function Reference:

Download Free Trial:

Events and conferences:

Release notes:

Located in beautiful Nickenich, Germany, MonkeyBread Software is a privately held company founded in 2000 by Christian Schmitz. MonkeyBread Software focuses on the Macintosh, Linux and Windows platforms. With over twenty years as a software developer, Christian's aim is developing unique and useful utilities, complemented by first-class customer support.

Copyright 2000-2020 Christian Schmitz Software GmbH.
MonkeyBread Software is a registered trademark of Christian Schmitz, Nickenich. All Rights Reserved. Apple, and the Apple logo are registered trademarks of Apple Computer in the U.S. and/or other countries. FileMaker Pro and FileMaker are trademarks of FileMaker, Inc. Other trademarks and registered trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.

Christian Schmitz
Monkeybread Software


Hi @MonkeybreadSoftware (Christian)

JavaScript Ă  la carte sounds great!

Best regards

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Thanks. If you have questions or new ideas, please let us know.

Nickenich, Germany - (September 17th, 2019) -- MonkeyBread Software today is pleased to announce MBS FileMaker Plugin 9.4 for macOS, iOS, Linux and Windows, the latest update to their product that is easily the most powerful plugin currently available for FileMaker Pro. As the leading database management solution for Windows, macOS, iOS and the web, the FileMaker Pro Integrated Development Environment supports a plugin architecture that can easily extend the feature set of the application. MBS FileMaker Plugin 9.4 has been updated and now includes over 5900 different functions, and the versatile plugin has gained more new functions:

MacOS 10.15 Catalina is coming soon and we prepare for it. We notarize the uploads to avoid warning dialogs and updated a couple of functions to use newer APIs, so they work for the new MacOS version. Check the new Speech functions for MacOS catalina to recognize text in audio files.

The Vision framework for MacOS and iOS provides functions to detect faces, face landmarks, recognize text, barcodes, humans and animals. We added a couple of functions to use some of the features in the framework.

In our Barcode functions, we now support more Barcode types including the Ultra type. With our new Barcode.GenerateJSON, we can now generate barcode and provide more options like border and output options.

For using Apple Maps with our MapView functions, we got new functions to add circles, points with custom pictures, lines and polygons to the map. The FM.ChooseDictionary function can automatically choose the dictionary to used for spelling in FileMaker.

We improved CGImageSource functions to change properties like IPTC, EXIF and GPS values and write the image back to disk. The new Files.AudioTags function allows you to read audio file properties including metadata, e.g. ID3v2 tags. Use the Files.SetAudioTags function to write modified tags back to the audio file.

For GraphicsMagick we got a new GMImage.Hash function, for CubeSQL we can connect with SSL and our new Text.ConvertToTextEncoding and Text.ConvertFromTextEncoding functions allow you to work with exotic text encodings. For iOS you can use UNNotification.SetNFCScript function for background scanning with URL trigger with a NFC card.

Finally we updated CURL library to version 7.66.0, zint to 2.6.5, DynaPDF to and Xcode to 10.3.

See release notes for a complete list of changes.


I’ve never used this plugin. Just looked at the functions wrapped up in this plugin and it’s quite impressive. Time to have a play.


the ‘speed’ is very impressing… there are lots of examples where one asked something just before the dinner - and Christian (MBS) implemented that during the dinner, ready for testing after dinner…

Besides of other functionality, on macOS one can search in scripts, realationship graph, etc. I’m not sure - but some of the features are available with or without a license


There are things you can’t do without the MBS PlugIn. Working with the Apple TouchBar is one of it.
Since Mac OS Snow Leopard, it’s getting almost impossible to communicate with a SmartCard Reader. Another challenge solved with MBS.
And @Siplus will agree that the addition of the 'MBS( “Process.SetCurrentDirectory”; // path to local XSD) for ‘MBS(“XML.Validate”; …)’ is just 1 MBS function worth the price for the PlugIn :wink:

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can we add 2 likes here?

Yes - there are so many things only possible with the MBS, and if there is a problem with the usage, Christian and Stefanie are available via chat from the website very often (we also did phone calls if something could not wait for email). Perfect support!

In our solution MBS is called 2333 times. We also use DynaPDF a lot.

We use 326 distinct functions, the top 20 are:

    • XML.Query 205
    • FM.VariableGet 106
    • List.RemoveDuplicateItems 62
    • List.Sort 56
    • FM.VariableSet 55
    • XL.Sheet.CellWriteText 45
    • DragDrop.SetDragActionHandler 41
    • DragDrop.RegisterDropTypes 41
    • Path.FilemakerPathToNativePath 34
    • DragDrop.CreateWithControl 34
    • DynaPDF.OpenPDFFromContainer 31
    • JSON.GetObjectItem 30
    • Container.ReadFile 30
    • DynaPDF.Release 29
    • Files.ReadPNG 27
    • DynaPDF.New 26
    • JSON.GetStringValue 25
    • Files.ReadPDF 25
    • List.Not 24
    • DynaPDF.ImportPDFFile 23

Worth to copy/paste my Facebook post with the “Filemaker Pro” group from today.
A tweak I do for a long time: Use Let Function to build a sequence of several related MBS (OR BaseElements) functions.
You can even copy/paste the formula to build your CustomFunction for easy reuse.

For the MBS AppleTouchBar - ATB, I trigger the functions with a hidden object where ‘HideWhen’ formula contains the MBS_ATB function “OR 1” to hide anyway.

Yeah, this 'MBS(“FM.VariableSet” ’ function. I solved a performance issue over a weak WAN-connection with something I call “Pull-and-Chop” data model.
“Pull” means to evaluate a data array with a precise ‘Execute SQL’ query in order to reduce data traffic to a minimum.
“Chop” means you extract the result in little pieces with global $$Variables for each with a formula based Name to use with something like a VirtualList. Great performance! Until I realised that all the FM native global variables need to get cleared before next evaluation. This clear-process took about 5 seconds!
Back to square one :frowning:
Rebuilding the entire process with 'MBS(“FM.VariableSet” ’ function.
‘MBS( “FM.VariableReset” )’ clears hundred of MBS variables within less than 200 milliseconds :ok_hand:


Super information - useful to see just what functions are being used in the real world. Thanks.

here one of the most important:

  • XML.Query
  • FM.Variable.xxx (real global variables, resides in memory as long as fm is running, over several files

XML.Query is xPath, perfect for every queries to xml files. At the beginning, we gathered all data from xml via xslt - today, all via xPath (even without schema files). Much faster!

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Nickenich, Germany - (November 12th, 2019) -- MonkeyBread Software today is pleased to announce MBS FileMaker Plugin 9.5 for macOS, iOS, Linux and Windows, the latest update to their product that is easily the most powerful plugin currently available for FileMaker Pro. As the leading database management solution for Windows, macOS, iOS and the web, the FileMaker Pro Integrated Development Environment supports a plugin architecture that can easily extend the feature set of the application. MBS FileMaker Plugin 9.5 has been updated and now includes over 5900 different functions, and the versatile plugin has gained more new functions:

Visiting conferences in October in Europe provides a lot of new ideas. This release comes with two enhancements to FileMaker itself (for MacOS), where the ideas came up at the conferences. First we now show you the cursor position above the text fields when entering expressions or custom functions. When you select text, we even show the selection length.

Second, with SyntaxColoring.AddContextMenuCommand method you can define your own commands for the contextual menu in script workspace on MacOS. We provide a few examples in the documentation to edit script steps or insert new ones. As you can leverage the built-in MBS commands in the menu commands, you can use XML transformations, run SQL queries, Shell or AppleScript commands and read/write text files in your expressions. You can define expressions to check syntax and coding standards for scripts, insert common snippets or do search & replace within the script. We hope the FileMaker community will collect useful commands.

The DynaPDF functions can now create XFA stream sections in the PDF document, read and write XFA data. With the DynaPDF.GetUserRights function you can query the permissions the user has on the imported document. We improved the library loading, so you can now just pass "" for the library path. If path is empty, we will use the platform specific default name. And if empty text or just a file name is provided, we look for the library files in the same folder as the plugin.

For Apple maps on MacOS and iOS we have a couple of new properties to set for points including enabling drag with a custom drag image. Points can now change their image and define an extra selected image. Overlays can change colors and line width. Maps can be zoomed programmatically and with MapView.MouseCoordinate function you can query the coordinate below the mouse cursor.

The web viewer on MacOS in FileMaker 16 or newer uses WebKit 2.x. For this version we added Webview.SetPrivateBrowsing function to enable private browsing mode. The Webview.AddUserScript function allows you to inject custom javascript in each website loaded. And Webview.AddScriptMessageHandler function now supports iOS, too.

The list dialog now supports a third button, you can show on screen keyboard via Window.ShowKeyboard function and query whether dark mode is enabled on a Mac. Our preferences dialog now supports dark mode, SmartCard.ReadFile supports more cards, GMImage.NewFromContainer can handle JPEG and PNG passed with wrong type and documentation includes now links to release notes and blog articles.

This version includes a few important bug fixes for running the plugin on a sever. The background threading for CURL and SQL got improved to avoid crashes. Our Linux plugin for FileMaker Cloud for AWS got an important fix to avoid crashes with buffer overrun after several hours of running. Please update your servers to avoid running into those issues.

Finally we updated DynaPDF library to version, LibSSH to 1.9.0, openssl to 1.1.1d, SQLAPI to 5.0.1, SQLite to 3.30.0 and zint library to 2.6.7

See release notes for a complete list of changes:

More details in the release notes. Please take the time to check our 500 example databases and check where you can use our plugin features in your solutions.

System Requirements:

  • macOS 10.9 or later, including macOS 10.15
  • Windows 7 and newer, including Windows 10 and Windows Server 2019
  • FileMaker Cloud for AWS (64-bit Linux)
  • FileMaker Pro 7 to 18
  • FileMaker iOS SDK 16 to 18

Pricing and Availability:
MBS FileMaker Plugin is available directly from the MonkeyBread Software website with licenses starting at just $149 (USD). You can just download and try the plugin without a license or request a trail license. Not all functions are available in all platforms, please check specifications. Please join us on the next conferences and visit our booth.

Monkeybread Software:

MBS FileMaker Plugin Website:

Function Reference:

Download Free Trial:

Events and conferences:


Release notes:

Located in beautiful Nickenich, Germany, MonkeyBread Software is a privately held company founded in 2000 by Christian Schmitz. MonkeyBread Software focuses on the Macintosh, Linux and Windows platforms. With over twenty years as a software developer, Christian's aim is developing unique and useful utilities, complemented by first-class customer support.

Copyright 2000-2019 Christian Schmitz Software GmbH.
MonkeyBread Software is a registered trademark of Christian Schmitz, Nickenich. All Rights Reserved. Apple, and the Apple logo are registered trademarks of Apple Computer in the U.S. and/or other countries. FileMaker Pro and FileMaker are trademarks of FileMaker, Inc. Other trademarks and registered trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.

Christian Schmitz
Monkeybread Software


Nickenich, Germany - (November 12th, 2019) – MonkeyBread Software today is pleased to announce MBS FileMaker Plugin 9.5 for macOS, iOS, Linux and Windows, the latest update to their product that is easily the most powerful plugin currently available for FileMaker Pro. As the leading database management solution for Windows, macOS, iOS and the web, the FileMaker Pro Integrated Development Environment supports a plugin architecture that can easily extend the feature set of the application. MBS FileMaker Plugin 9.5 has been updated and now includes over 5900 different functions, and the versatile plugin has gained more new functions:

Visiting conferences in October in Europe provides a lot of new ideas. This release comes with two enhancements to FileMaker itself (for MacOS), where the ideas came up at the conferences. First we now show you the cursor position above the text fields when entering expressions or custom functions. When you select text, we even show the selection length.

Second, with SyntaxColoring.AddContextMenuCommand method you can define your own commands for the contextual menu in script workspace on MacOS. We provide a few examples in the documentation to edit script steps or insert new ones. As you can leverage the built-in MBS commands in the menu commands, you can use XML transformations, run SQL queries, Shell or AppleScript commands and read/write text files in your expressions. You can define expressions to check syntax and coding standards for scripts, insert common snippets or do search & replace within the script. We hope the FileMaker community will collect useful commands.

The DynaPDF functions can now create XFA stream sections in the PDF document, read and write XFA data. With the DynaPDF.GetUserRights function you can query the permissions the user has on the imported document. We improved the library loading, so you can now just pass “” for the library path. If path is empty, we will use the platform specific default name. And if empty text or just a file name is provided, we look for the library files in the same folder as the plugin.

For Apple maps on MacOS and iOS we have a couple of new properties to set for points including enabling drag with a custom drag image. Points can now change their image and define an extra selected image. Overlays can change colors and line width. Maps can be zoomed programmatically and with MapView.MouseCoordinate function you can query the coordinate below the mouse cursor.

The web viewer on MacOS in FileMaker 16 or newer uses WebKit 2.x. For this version we added Webview.SetPrivateBrowsing function to enable private browsing mode. The Webview.AddUserScript function allows you to inject custom javascript in each website loaded. And Webview.AddScriptMessageHandler function now supports iOS, too.

The list dialog now supports a third button, you can show on screen keyboard via Window.ShowKeyboard function and query whether dark mode is enabled on a Mac. Our preferences dialog now supports dark mode, SmartCard.ReadFilesupports more cards, GMImage.NewFromContainer can handle JPEG and PNG passed with wrong type and documentation includes now links to release notes and blog articles.

This version includes a few important bug fixes for running the plugin on a sever. The background threading for CURL and SQL got improved to avoid crashes. Our Linux plugin for FileMaker Cloud for AWS got an important fix to avoid crashes with buffer overrun after several hours of running. Please update your servers to avoid running into those issues.

Finally we updated DynaPDF library to version, LibSSH to 1.9.0, openssl to 1.1.1d, SQLAPI to 5.0.1, SQLite to 3.30.0 and zint library to 2.6.7

See release notes for a complete list of changes.


Three nice new things to show you in MBS Plugin 9.5.
Learn about text positions, new MapView functions and our new SyntaxColoring.AddContextMenuCommand function.

Watch video on website or on Youtube

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If you need a license this week around ThanksGiving in the US, please try coupon code BlackfridayMBS for ordering.
Or email us directly for an invoice or Paypal link for the items you need.

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Christian, is it currentlly possible with MBS (mac and win) to find all instances of a particular styling.

Ex: I click on an object and have a function available to find all objects in the solution that are styled the same and be able to go to them or at last have their location indicated in a report page.
I imagine I'm dreaming in colours right now but you don't know if you don't ask...

Sorry, no.

I had a vision of getting all objects shown, that don't have a proper style, this dream showed red triangles in the object list on every line with an object differing from the style it inherited from...