Sample File

SUPER helpful example. Thank you!

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It was the demo for showing how great v19 was.

Thanks @Malcolm.
It can be found in this video presentation:

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I found a file that includes the Sankey chart but it doesn't contain the list showing today/tomorrow.

I've asked at the Claris partners forum to see if anyone knows where to find the one they are using for the screen shots.

The attached file shows how to push data into a web viewer. I haven't bother to emulate the styles. It is only a proof of concept.

dates.fmp12 (452 KB)


Wow, so elegant. How does the $object local variable make it from the notes to the web viewer?

Also, when doing web viewers is there some smart way in Filemaker to globally specify the HTML header with CSS formatting and such? I can think of a few ways to do it (function, settings table, external CSS), but I'm wondering what way works best for ppl.

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Perhaps interesting in this context these two videos by Matt Petrowsky ( about data tables in a webviewer:
DataTables for FileMaker - Replace your Portals - Part 1 - YouTube
DataTables for FileMaker - Replace your Portals - Part 2 - YouTube


Great reminder about DataTables javascript. The amazing thing about Javascript is that it handles some tasks to so quickly. DataTables is great at doing something that is a really common requirement in FileMaker.

Local variables defined in layout objects are local to the layout. Every object on the layout can share local variables defined on the layout.

Globally specifying the HTML is possible in all the ways that you mention. What works best? All of the methods bring different strengths to the job. Play around and find a method that works for you.