Has anyone seen this error when loading to Claris FileMaker Cloud?
File cannot be uploaded because a container field uses open storage; change to secure storage.
When I first tried to load the file there were several container fields that were using open storage. I changed their storage settings but I continue to be blocked by this warning. I've can verify that the containers all use secure storage by producing a DDR and querying for container field storage settings. Six container fields, all using secure storage. There are several container fields that are globals. Globals don't allow external storage, so they shouldn't interfere.
β°β>$ xpath -e '/FMPReport/File/BaseTableCatalog/BaseTable/FieldCatalog/Field[(@dataType=\'Binary\')]/Storage[(@global=\'False\')]' PlanForward_fmp12.xml
Found 6 nodes in PlanForward_fmp12.xml:
-- NODE --
<Storage global="False" maxRepetition="1">
<Remote type="Secure" relativeToPath="PlanForward/" relativeTo="0">
<Secure />
-- NODE --
<Storage global="False" maxRepetition="1">
<Remote type="Secure" relativeToPath="PlanForward/" relativeTo="0">
<Secure />
-- NODE --
<Storage global="False" maxRepetition="1">
<Remote type="Secure" relativeToPath="PlanForward/" relativeTo="0">
<Secure />
-- NODE --
<Storage global="False" maxRepetition="1">
<Remote type="Secure" relativeToPath="PlanForward/" relativeTo="0">
<Secure />
-- NODE --
<Storage global="False" maxRepetition="1">
<Remote type="Secure" relativeToPath="PlanForward/" relativeTo="0">
<Secure />
-- NODE --
<Storage global="False" maxRepetition="1">
<Remote type="Secure" relativeToPath="PlanForward/" relativeTo="0">
<Secure />
A more explicit xpath query for binary fields that are not secure storage returns nothing.
β°β>$ xpath -e '/FMPReport/File/BaseTableCatalog/BaseTable/FieldCatalog/Field[(@dataType=\'Binary\')]/Storage/Remote[not (@type=\'Secure\')]' PlanForward_fmp12.xml
No nodes found in PlanForward_fmp12.xml
Claris has a page for this error message ( File-cannot-be-uploaded-because-a-container-field-uses-open-storage ), but the workaround is not applicable for the file I have. The file has never crashed and there are no recovered assets.