Unusual Development

@harvest, @AndyHibbs how are you getting on with fmWorkMate?

I guess I need to be updating it for Catalina ...

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I use Jump Desktop (and Jump for iOS) quite a lot.
Also use Screens for iOS/iPadOS

Addition of SSH tunnelling is key for me.


Screens works for the Mac also. Have you had any issues with it? In the past, programs like Screens (which I've yet to try) have been either difficult to set up for the remote client or they just didn't work well.


I have used MS Remote Desktop for Mac for years. It was quite okay for Windows Server 2012. But now when I'm in a process of upgrading servers (AWS windows servers) to either WS 2016 or WS2019, MS Remote Desktop is still awfully laggy and slow. Can do server maintenance but not enjoyable.

Now I have half an hour of Jump Desktop experience and it's massive wow. It works great. So thanks for this thread to make day a bit more pleasant.

Yep, Jump Desktop is one of those terrific little utilities that just works even better than one might expect. :slight_smile: