This is probably a simple question, but I can't find an explanation or documentation.
What exactly is URL Streaming in the FMS context?
If I have a Data API URL that does a query on a table how exactly do you use this to be "notified" when a new record gets added to that table? I know that in Zapier, for example, there's a special kind of Web Hook that is notified when a new record gets created (or whatever), but I don't see how to implement that particular hook myself. Polling doesn't sound like a good solution, for example.
I don't see any "URL subscription" options where FMS would know to send data to some URL, like a web hook when new data are generated, say a container field's file.
So, this all gets back to what exactly is meant by "URL Streaming" as mentioned in the FMS documentation. I've seen the issue discussed where people get "new" data from FMS and then push it to BOX, DropBox, or where ever.
Is everyone using CC or Zapier-type services to abstract how this "new data" notification works or am I missing something?
Well, streaming means the socket stays open, so more data can arrive.
We can do that with CURL functions in MBS FileMaker Plugin. FileMaker's built-in functions can't do that as the socket must close before "Insert from URL" script step can return.
How do I have FMS notify some external code when a change has happened to data stored in FMS. Or -- Is there a way that I can have that external code subscribe to receive notifications from FMS when data in FMS changes?
My suggestion would be to start by treating these two questions as separate, and start with the thought that they might be reasonably unrelated, and then work from there and see where the answers lead. Understood that the conversation linked in the old forum might have provided some reason to see a connection between the two, but even so, I'd still suggest separating the two questions.