Windows 10, FMP 19 - How do I connect with Claris Cloud?

I want to check a system running on Claris Cloud. I'm sitting in front of FMP v19.4.2 on Win 10 and there isn't any option to open a cloud host.

At the bottom of this page the notes say

  • The Sign In to Claris ID command and the My Apps window are not available until after you are signed up for a FileMaker Cloud subscription or free trial.

I have a claris cloud subscription. How do I convince this machine of that?

Solution : Login to the Claris console via the web at From there you can select your host and view the applications that you are able to access. Opening the app from the console will ask you to select an application to handle the link. Choosing FileMaker will then trigger the process of opening the app.

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Thanks. I have a machine using FM19.2, I have to allow some scripts to execute during login twice.