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I was really excited about this version: multithreading server, oData, serverside summaries, more cache for the scripting engine. In the ETS phase I tested everything and it all seemed to work fine, so after the release I immediately started pushing the new version.
Over the past week, my users suddenly started having all sorts of problems creating PDFs. Some of the layouts turned out to be still based on the classic theme, so I adjusted those layouts as quickly as possible. However, the problems were not yet solved.
Today I wanted to start billing myself and everything seemed to be working fine. Until I wanted to send the invoices by email, because then the procedure (in FileMaker) to create the mime files completely crashed.
"No problem" I thought, that must have to do with the changed Quote function, so I quickly made a fix for that. Unfortunately, that procedure still stalled and I was still unable to invoice.
"That is indeed a problem", thought, because the chimney has to smoke and only then can I continue to help my customers. So unfortunately I had to throw in the towel and reinstall FMS 19.4.2 on my server. The very first attempt afterwards to send my invoices was successful.
So "the problem" was FMS 19.5.1... I have no choice and now (today) I have to downgrade my customers that I have already put on 19.5.1 to FMS 19.4.2.
I hope a little that the PDF problems will no longer occur, because that happened with the clients and otherwise I also have to replace all clients (or have them replaced).
This is an unexpected setback and I don't want to go Claris bashing right away. People make mistakes, but I didn't want to let this go unnoticed, because I'm definitely not the only one who has to deal with this.
Just for the fun I added my SendMail-file so you can have a go yourself. I think the procedure for adding attachments from containers in the documents-table are the place where the trouble is.