You can still do this. It's a few more steps than you used previously.
In the message thread, tap on the picture of the person who sent the message. That reveals a sub-menu. Tap on the info icon. That reveals a comprehensive display, including all documents sent by them. You can locate the file in the documents list and proceed as usual.
The old way to access attachments in messages was:
press and hold until a menu pops up
Select "Share" icon
Choose the FileMaker Go app from the list of icons
You still have to perform those steps, but first perform three non-intuitive steps. They take you from the document you want to act on, to a list of documents, so you can possibly select the wrong one. So much better?
I eventually came up with a simple HTML5 instruction page that included the now 5-6 step process to Download from a server, Locate the File, and OpenWith FileMaker Go.
The download and share arrows are confusing to users. (almost the same icon but one's Down and one's Up and in the very same location)