FileMaker References are not working with macOS 14.6.1

Operating system: macOS 14.6.1 (last security update)
FileMaker version: 19.6.3, 20.3.2, 21.0.2
Relevant hardware and software information: MacBook Air M2

I have just carried out the latest security update on a computer and thought everything was fine, but far from it: all references are NOT working any more!

Has anyone already updated and no problems? Otherwise better wait ...

Regards, Willi

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I am not sure what you mean by references? I am guessing that you mean between database files?

Here is a link to the same discussion on the German FileMaker-Magazin Forum - with a solution (link to the post with the solution)

Re-installing the FileMaker client seems to be the solution

Yes, thank you.
In the meantime it works, although nothing has been changed???
I'll let you know if there's anything new

It looks like he means external data source references. I wonder what makes it break in some cases and not in others.
does file:Filename.fmp12 work?
does fmnet:/ work?
does fmnet:/ work?

yes its the external source references (all types).

All is now still working?
So, i guess it was Friday ...

Thx, Willi