Fmsoup Health Report and Quarterly Reminder

Here is a snapshot of the last 30 days. We now have 242 members.
Given the start of the year, I haven't gotten around to prepare bylaws and documents to proceed with the incorporation. I hope I will manage to fit this in during the upcoming month.

Quarterly reminder
Of course, membership is free for everyone. We are also committed to keeping it uncluttered and ad free.

The soup is based on the awesome, free and open source platform “Discourse”.

Hosting (including emailing and pages views) is currently setup managed and monitored 24/7 by The cost for this service is currently 100 USD monthly. Once gets incorporated and registered as a not-for-profit, this amount will drop to 50 USD per month.

These costs have been graciously paid for by volunteers since the beginning.

We are all invited to contribute, either by sponsoring a month of hosting ($100) or to pitch in the special pot ($your choice) to build a backup/future projects fund.

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