I upgraded a dev server the same way. No issues so far, but no recommendable practise for production environments.
Thank You very much for sharing this - will add that to the personal knowledge base (the one that lies between my ears…)
We are also using shimo for older pptp connections to customer’s sites (not our servers). There might be issues with Horizon (VMWare) and Citrix - just as when we got new machines that came with 10.14…
Thanks. This is useful knowledge anyway. The de-install / re-install process is pain, and just to perform a macOS-Update might be considered as “a practice” with all the precautions with several backup routines.
means, if you do, be also prepared to get forced to perform a complete backup-recovering when things go wrong.
I have to say, I’m so glad the majority of our work is on virtual machines. The ability to rewind so easily (or in VMWare add a snapshot) makes life so much easier.
Disable nerving update notification for Catalina:
sudo softwareupdate --ignore “macOS Catalina”
Hi Siplus - Welcome to the soup.
Thank You!
Mmm, this was interesting. Using Mindjet MindManager, I couldn’t save a file to any folder. Thankfully, a free update from Mindjet has resolved this.
A couple of things to take away from that;
The version of MindManager wasn’t that old, so a very recent release was needed to resolve it, for anyone running older software, be aware.
Also, I couldn’t solve the problem from Security & Privacy in System Preferences. The ‘Files and Folders’ option in ‘Privacy’, despite having plus and minus buttons, didn’t allow any interaction at all, the buttons didn’t operate, I couldn’t drag the app into it (yes the padlock was unlocked). This isn’t the behaviour of other options I’ve seen in the control panel.
Problem resolved, but could be a major one for people who can’t just download the latest version. It feels very alien to have to allow each app to save to Desktop, Documents, etc. Perhaps good for security, but as far as the user experience goes…
Just tried this with a customer today: His Apple Terminal App didn’t allow to login. He was prompted to fill in his password but Terminal was irresponsive to his keyboard strokes?!
there is a problem with a citrix certificate. Dialog says ‘You don’t trust…’
Seems to be a known issue, not yet solved
Markus, this is resolved with the latest Citrix Workspace 1910.2.
However, the update from Workspace 1906 to 1910 has also dropped support for some old ciphers, so if you’ve an older version of a Citrix server that doesn’t support the latest ciphers used in TLS1.2, then you’ve go a problem (as we do with some older versions and have decided to start pensioning them off).
I haven’t found a resolution to the 1906 certificate problem running Catalina as yet.
thank You so much! Helps a lot here at the moment
Hi @Siplus
I tried again: It is that Terminal is NOT irresponsive. LogIn works. It is just that Terminal doesn’t show your keystrokes anymore when entering Password.
I don’t think it ever did, but the bash shell has been replaced with zsh
What di you want to say us? Of course my Parallels is allowed to access files. Maybe not working under Catalina? Thanks for clarifying
Did someone already mention: 32-bitCheck, by Howard Oakley https://eclecticlight.co
or the trick in Finder. Search [app] AND [the architecture] IS NOT «x86_64» (search the criteria in the list of possilbe search criterias, in German it says [ausführbare Architekturen]
Mojave has been warning us about any apps that would not work in Catalina for a year.
Right Andy, but to prepare my Mac for Catalina, I prefer a list of the apps not working anymore. btw I cloned my complete Mac to a Parallels machine
Very wise