Print Setup and Print Script Steps - best practices

The goal of the InfoGraphic below is to document the Print Setup and Print Script Steps with the aim of determining the best practices for their use.

Some of those best practices might include:

[1] Scripts for each Print Setup and Print choice named something like...
[1a] Print Setup for <<printer_name>>, <<paper_size>>, <>{, <>)
[1b] Print <<# pages>> to <>, <<dialog On|Off>>, {Records Being Browsed|Current Record} keep code DRY and as readable as possible

[2] For each printing action, calling [1a] a Print Setup sub-script and then [1b] a Print Sub-Script.

[3] Other?


I have had a lot of problems printing!

I always run a 'Print Setup' script step and then a 'Print' script step, one after the other, at every point i need to print, every time. It seems the only way.

I don't have subscripts but i'm having a problem printing without Full Access, so i might have a subscript that does the printing, with full permissions.