Print script step admin permissiosn

Hello Board!

FMS 20 + FMP.
I have a script that creates records in a table then prints a layout of that record. The printer is an A4 networked printer that is setup and operating.

As Admin, with Full Access, i can run through the script and the print works. As the user, with permissions setup, the print doesn't happen.

I always use the Print Setup and then Print steps in the scripts. If i set them both to show the dialog box, as Admin, they both appear, but as the User, the Print Setup appears, you can select 'OK', then the Print box doesn't show and the rest of the script operates as it should.

I can move from one Permissions set to another and this cycle repeats. If I select the script to run as full admin, the print step works.

What is the interaction between printing and Admin? Should all print steps have Admin access? Seems totally potty to run them as Admin, given what the Permissions are supposed to do.

Thank you for any input you can give me!

I suggest you get error code after running script steps that does not get trough and display the error number, you may also set a variable to the error code and read the value in the data viewer. That would provide a clue about what is going wrong.

You may also display in a post your script, this way we may suggest edition to your script.

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Thank you, I will try the error codes and will post the script to follow up!