Show Modify Table View by script?

I See there is a "modify" button to pick which fields to show in table view.

Is there no script step to show that dialog?
Or menu command?

I'll add a function for this: FM.ModifyTableView


It would be really nice if fmp had Script controls for all the UI components.


Especially the Layout Design controls.
I've yet to find a reliable way to get to the inspector panel.

I'm on Mac OS.

⌘-I to show or hide the inspector panel.
⌘-1 for the Position panel
⌘-2 for the Styles panel
⌘-3 for the Appearance panel
⌘-4 for the Data panel

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Can you get into any of those?

Something like.

  1. Select an item on the layout.
  2. ⌘-1 - Position panel
  3. Change the top, left, width and height.
  4. Back to layout - select next object.

I can see and select the position text fields with XCode > Accessiblity Inspector - have not worked out the Apple Script to select it yet.

I have started a way of doing this using Keyboard Maestro (KM). It's hard coded to my device but you can use it yourself by changing the mouse click, and maybe removing one tab as I have my Mac tabbing through every element on screen like a windows device.

FileMaker - Developer List - (2.2 KB)

No, the focus remains in the main layout area. I have to mouse into the fields. Once I'm in a field I can tab through, and I do that for adjacent fields.

We could get a LOT more control over these using the UI Scripting via AppleScript and accessibility features of macOS. Especially if we combine that with Keyboard Maestro.
One example, which selects the "Left" coordinate (if the location panel is open in the Inspector):

tell application "System Events"
	tell application process "FileMaker Pro"
		set frontmost to true
		delay 0.5
		tell window 1
			set focused of text field 6 of scroll area 2 to true
		end tell
	end tell
end tell

Excellent. We really only need a few commands to give focus to a panel or a section of the panel and then we can use the tab key to progress.

Do you have any Apple Script to select a Layout Part?