Simple toast/alert method

I like to use popovers for alerts since a popover will naturally disappear when the user resumes.


fm (148.3 KB)


That's a great UI implementation @rivet.

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Just keep in mind that it can be hard to guarantee the expected positioning with popovers.

Are you referring to the fact that pop-overs will flip around like a puppy with a ball?

The behaviour of the pop-over with scaling is good until they get squeezed.


Some of the appeal of the method for me is the graceful re-use of the layout objects. Overlaying an alert on the input panel in place of the information header is good UI. I actually like the fact that the pop-over will find the optimal position on-screen if it needs to. It may pop the designer's bubble but it's better than the warning appearing in a part of the layout that isn't visible.

@rivet called attention to the advantages of the method for user feedback. It's highly dynamic. As soon as the user responds to the alert it disappears. That is great UX.


Yes. It is always about when the screen is smaller than anticipated. I would not be surprised also if there were small discrepancies between FMPro, FMGo & WebDirect.

I would be careful if I was using this in a list view also.

Thanks for this @rivet :slight_smile:


Welcome to The Soup @greg_hains !

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Thanks. :slight_smile:

You can always launch the popover from the same position regardless of where the user initiates it from. The trick is the initiation on the popover is a “go to object” where that target object is in the popover. That opens the popover window. Then reuse that one popover launched from anyplace and will open in the same position all the time. You just need to set the popover content as required to communicate intent (a global? ) Launch the actual popover from a really tiny (or if not deploying in web direct, hidden ) button. You can even place the button off screen right as long as at least one pixel is in the live layout area.

A second related UI trick is to format the popover content as a color but the popover body and outline as transparent. In this way it appears as if it were a floating card window. Padding the popover can position the content area wherever you want.

And a related trick; format the transparent popover body the size of the layout with the content positioned as desired and add a close popover button. The popover covering the layout makes the background objects not clickable - in effect, modal - forcing a click to the close popover button which can be a scriptable action.