Change windows shortcut - redefine cmd-< again (FMP20, MacOS)

How do I redefine the shortcut cmd-< and cmd-shift-< (cmd->) to change the active windows again - or to undefine the FMP shortcut to decrease / increase the font size?

I've tried the systempreferences, without success

A few years ago I had the same problem: I wanted to change shortcuts in the system settings window. Unfortunately without success, like you!

But then it worked via the terminal. Here's a list of my shortcuts. With a text expansion tool they are all quickly done.

The first part of the list are the functions in German, the second some of them in English.

You can adjust it to your needs:

defaults write com.filemaker.client.pro12 NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add 'Sicherheit\U2026' '^s'{return}{delay:0.1}
defaults write com.filemaker.client.pro12 NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add 'Wertelisten\U2026' '^w'{return}{delay:0.1}
defaults write com.filemaker.client.pro12 NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add 'Layouts\U2026' '^l'{return}{delay:0.1}
defaults write com.filemaker.client.pro12 NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add 'Externe\ Datenquellen\U2026' '^q'{return}{delay:0.1}
defaults write com.filemaker.client.pro12 NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add 'Container\U2026' '^c'{return}{delay:0.1}
defaults write com.filemaker.client.pro12 NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add 'Eigene\ Funktionen\U2026' '^f'{return}{delay:0.1}
defaults write com.filemaker.client.pro12 NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add 'Angepasste\ Menüs\U2026' '^m'{return}{delay:0.1}
defaults write com.filemaker.client.pro12 NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add 'Designs\U2026' '^d'{return}{delay:0.1}
defaults write com.filemaker.client.pro12 NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add 'Datenanzeige' '^v'{return}{delay:0.1}
defaults write com.filemaker.client.pro12 NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add 'Dateioptionen\U2026' '^o'{return}{delay:0.1}
defaults write com.filemaker.client.pro12 NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add 'Neu erstellen\U2026' '^n'{return}{delay:0.1}
defaults write com.filemaker.client.pro12 NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add 'Datensätze importieren' '^i'{return}{delay:0.1}
defaults write com.filemaker.client.pro12 NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add 'Tatsächliche Größe' '@0'{return}{delay:0.1}
defaults write com.filemaker.client.pro12 NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add 'Script-Debugger' '@^s'{return}{delay:0.1}
defaults write com.filemaker.client.pro12 NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add 'Ändern\U2026' '^@m'{return}{delay:0.1}
defaults write com.filemaker.client.pro12 NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add 'Formatierungsleiste' '@^f'{return}{delay:0.1}
defaults write com.filemaker.client.pro12 NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add 'Neues Fenster' '^~n'{return}{delay:0.1}
defaults write com.filemaker.client.pro12 NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add 'Kopie als XML speichern\U2026' '^~x'{return}{delay:0.1}
defaults write com.filemaker.client.pro12 NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add 'Datenbank-Design-Report\U2026' '^~d'{return}{delay:0.1}
defaults write com.filemaker.client.pro12 NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add 'Ausschnitteinstellung\U2026' '@^c'{return}{delay:0.1}
defaults write com.filemaker.client.pro12 NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add 'Registersteuerelementeinstellung\U2026' '@^c'{return}{delay:0.1}
defaults write com.filemaker.client.pro12 NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add 'Seitensteuerelementeinstellung' '@^c'{return}{delay:0.1}
defaults write com.filemaker.client.pro12 NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add 'Web Viewer-Einstellung\U2026' '@^c'{return}{delay:0.1}
defaults write com.filemaker.client.pro12 NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add 'Diagrammeinstellung\U2026' '@^c'{return}{delay:0.1}
defaults write com.filemaker.client.pro12 NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add 'Tasteneinstellung' '@^c'{return}{delay:0.1}
defaults write com.filemaker.client.pro12 NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add 'Popover-Tasteneinstellung' '@^c'{return}{delay:0.1}
defaults write com.filemaker.client.pro12 NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add 'Popover anzeigen' '@^c'{return}{delay:0.1}
defaults write com.filemaker.client.pro12 NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add 'Tastenleisten-Einstellung' '@^c'{return}{delay:0.1}
defaults write com.filemaker.client.pro12 NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add 'Bedingt\U2026' '^~f'{return}{delay:0.1}
defaults write com.filemaker.client.pro12 NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add 'Script-Trigger einstellen\U2026' '~^s'{return}{delay:0.1}
defaults write com.filemaker.client.pro12 NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add 'Feldinhalt ersetzen\U2026' '@$='{return}{delay:0.1}

{{--use $ for Shift Key}}
{{--use ^ for Control Key}}
{{--use ~ for Option Key}}
{{--use @ for Command Key}}

defaults write com.filemaker.client.pro12 NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add 'Security\U2026' '^s'{return}{delay:0.1}
defaults write com.filemaker.client.pro12 NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add 'Value Lists\U2026' '^w'{return}{delay:0.1}
defaults write com.filemaker.client.pro12 NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add 'Layouts\U2026' '^l'{return}{delay:0.1}
defaults write com.filemaker.client.pro12 NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add 'External\ Data Sources\U2026' '^q'{return}{delay:0.1}
defaults write com.filemaker.client.pro12 NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add 'Containers\U2026' '^c'{return}{delay:0.1}
defaults write com.filemaker.client.pro12 NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add 'Custom\ Functions\U2026' '^f'{return}{delay:0.1}
defaults write com.filemaker.client.pro12 NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add 'Custom\ Menus\U2026' '^m'{return}{delay:0.1}
defaults write com.filemaker.client.pro12 NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add 'Themes\U2026' '^d'{return}{delay:0.1}
defaults write com.filemaker.client.pro12 NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add 'Data Viewer' '^v'{return}{delay:0.1}
defaults write com.filemaker.client.pro12 NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add 'File Options\U2026' '^o'{return}{delay:0.1}
defaults write com.filemaker.client.pro12 NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add 'Create New\U2026' '^n'{return}{delay:0.1}
defaults write com.filemaker.client.pro12 NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add 'Import Records' '^i'{return}{delay:0.1}
defaults write com.filemaker.client.pro12 NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add 'Actual Size' '@0'{return}{delay:0.1}
defaults write com.filemaker.client.pro12 NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add 'Formatting Bar' '^~f'{return}{delay:0.1}
defaults write com.filemaker.client.pro12 NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add 'New Window' '^~n'{return}{delay:0.1}
defaults write com.filemaker.client.pro12 NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add 'Save Copy as XML\U2026' '^~x'{return}{delay:0.1}
defaults write com.filemaker.client.pro12 NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add 'Datenbase Design Report\U2026' '^~d'{return}{delay:0.1}

{{--use $ for Shift Key}}
{{--use ^ for Control Key}}
{{--use ~ for Option Key}}
{{--use @ for Command Key}}

EDIT: the {return}{delay…} at the end of the lines leave away. They are just for my text expansion tool Typinator. Sorry …

Thanks - that's a nice set of commands. However, I faile to notice the cmd-< within this collection.

Is there any documentation on the available NSUserKeyEquivalents? I fail to recognize the prev/next window choices.

Look here: How to quickly switch between windows and apps on Mac

There is explained where to change the shortcut for moving to the next window. This is not a FileMaker Shortcut. FileMaker has not this command. It’s a global thing.

EDIT: My Terminal commands and the place where you tried to change the shortcut work only for menu items of the chosen application. For FileMaker you can only modify menu commands that are found in the FileMaker menus.

Thanks. This may be correct for an US qwerty keyboard - but for a German qwertz keyboard, the typical shortcut for all apps is cmd-<. However, FMP applies that shortcut to decrease the font size.

I'm from Germany and I use a QWERTZ Keyboard. I modified the existing shortcut and set it to "CMD <". Works fine here.
FileMaker doesn't have a shortcut "CMD <". My FileMaker uses "CMD ;" for decreasing font size.

If the keyboard shortcut for reducing the font size in your FM installation is set to "CMD <", please change this so that it does not collide with the other one.

how do I undefine a shortcut that I do not see?

In former times I remember resedit as a toolbox to change menu shortcuts. But I have no idea how to do it with this newer setup.

You looked at the preference pane of FileMaker. This shortcut pane is not for keyboard shortuts.

Do you have your system in English or in German?

In a German system you can modify keyboard shortcuts here:
Systemeinstellungen › Tastatur › Tastaturkurzbefehle › Tastatur

EDIT: This is for setting the "Move Focus to next Window" shortcut.

Here's the place for modifying FileMaker Pro's shortcuts:
Systemeinstellungen › Tastatur › Tastaturkurzbefehle › App-Tastaturbefehle

One more question: Which version of macOS are you on?

Thanks to all for your help. mipiano did the job for me:

System Preferences -> Keyboard
...and added other, new shortcuts for FileMaker Pro
Decrease font size: cmd-shift-minus
Increase font size: cmd-shift-plus

so that the default cmd-< and cmd-> for prev/next window do work again.

As an unexpected and unwanted side effect new menu items appeared on their own, adding shortcuts for increase/decrease by 1: option-cmd-> / <

But I don't mind about those...

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