Fmsoup Branding (Logo)

Now I’m hungry

“Use your illusion (Part 1)” :laughing:

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Can I be a pest and ask that you flatten the wave of the tildes a bit offset a bit more mabe one tilde escaping to please Val’s need to get the steam off?

yes harvest, I like the comparison. I vote for #2 (tilde open)


Shure. After I ate my soup…

@Cecile the guy’s gonna hate me lol
Recycling the extra h

I fear a shopping trip, where every shop is visited but the purchase is made from the first one looked at :smirk:


Only way to be sure. :upside_down_face:

One tilde escaping, I like the idea ! Now how about having the escaping tilde turn blue outside the rectangle ? I thing that would make the logo dynamic.

That’s the way I’m used to it as a designer: Normally my clients choose the first attempt that I propose. Maybe because that’s where I put all my effort and all my brains in. The others are just to make shure, I was right :grinning:

And yes, I also tend to take the first trousers/shoes, after trying dozends of others.


I had the same idea originally but decided not to do so. But I can try it if you like.

Sure please try it. Thanks

perfect √

Here’s the one with two flattened tildes, one of them escaping the frame and turning blue on the outside.

If I might tell you my opinion: a logo is perfect, when there’s nothing “left to be left”. In this case two tildes are one to much. It doesn’t add anything new to the logo but only adds clutter and complexity. The idea of the steaming soup is clear with just one Tilde. And what’s the worst about it: two offset tildes don’t make any sense as filemaker Code, so you totally lose the second level of meaning. Now it’s just a soup…

And last not least: the best logos are the one, that contain a little secret, a second meaning, that you have to think about and that you don’t get at first sight. The first two logos might just be recognized as a soup. But developers see the C~.

With all that being said I still vote for the second one, which has more tension than the first one.



I’m voting for the second as well

I’m still with the one I marked as "perfect √ "
2 tildes instead of 1 is not meaningless. It emphasises: This soup is hotter!
OK, take my opinion with a grain of salt.


Let (
~~soup = “too hot” ;
~~variations = “too cold” ;
~soup = “just right”
Case (
~~soup or ~~variations ; 0 ;
~soup and “not escape” = 1 ; 2 ;
~soup and “escape” = 1 ; 1 ;

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I have to admit that it’s not so good as I thought it would be.

I vote also for the second one. I like the fact that the tilde touches the edge.

justification is sound, version two feels right and gets my vote.

I love all of this, now what’s going to let us settle on our first fmsoup logo?

Also, by the way, in a text only version is it:

  • fmsoup
  • fmSoup
  • FMsoup
  • FMSoup

(I love it all lower caps in the logo)
Warning: let’s not make that into a naming convention discussion