Installing FMS locally on docker Mac M1?

I've tried a few times to install FileMaker Server running locally on docker without success in Macbook Pro M1. I've used this ft-fms-docker GitHub - fmgarage/ft-fms-docker: Run FileMaker Server for Linux in Docker to install it. I've tried both ubuntu 20 and 18 version with 19.4, 19.5 and 19.6 (ubuntu 20 only) without success.

This is the latest 19.6 & ubuntu 20 installation log when errors started to occur:

Existing Claris FileMaker Server primary machine configuration is in English locale.
request send failed: Operation not supported
    Set up WebDirect preferences.
    Set up Web Publishing Engine preferences.
    Start firewalld service service...
FirewallD is not running
    Open HTTP connection port 80...
    Open HTTPS connection port 443...
    Open ODBC connection port 2399...
    Open Claris FileMaker Server primary machine connection port 5003...
FirewallD is not running
    Enable and start HTTP Nginx server service.
    Enable Claris FileMaker Server primary machine service.
    Start Claris FileMaker Server primary machine service.
    Claris FileMaker Server primary machine service has started.
    Wait 2 seconds for the session token...
    Wait 2 seconds for the session token...
    Wait 2 seconds for the session token...
    Wait 2 seconds for the session token...
    Wait 2 seconds for the session token...
    Wait 2 seconds for the session token...
    Wait 2 seconds for the session token...
    Wait 2 seconds for the session token...
    Wait 2 seconds for the session token...
    Wait 2 seconds for the session token...
    Wait 2 seconds for the session token...
    Wait 2 seconds for the session token...
    Error! Cannot get a session token.
N: Download is performed unsandboxed as root as file '/root/build/filemaker-server-' couldn't be accessed by user '_apt'. - pkgAcquire::Run (13: Permission denied)
no certificate found, proceeding...

  --  default fmsadmin settings...
Error: 10502 (Host unreachable)
error while fmsadmin securefilesonly
build not successful
stopping & removing build container ...

Have someone succeeded to install it on M1 mac (or any other silicon mac)?

I believe 1-more-thing has experience in this. @FabriceN ?

I don't think they deploy their containers on M1 mac, but perhaps @airmoi can add something to the discussion.

I tried to install FMS19.6.2 on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS on a server hosted by - not docker just a naked VM with an empty Ubuntu Server getting the same error at the end of the install.

I reached out to Claris FM Community without a solution here:

On install I get the same last line (though the session token were issued):

N: Der Download wird als root und nicht Sandbox-geschützt durchgeführt, da auf die Datei »/root/fminstaller/filemaker-server-« durch den Benutzer »_apt« nicht zugegriffen werden kann. - pkgAcquire::Run (13: Permission denied)

did you create the directory "fminstaller" yourself? Lacking permissions when logged in as root? Seems a bit funny, perhaps try to chmod the directory beforehand?

I just installed and did the setup on a similar VM with Hetzner without any difficulties, everything just running as expected: Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS patched to the latest and than installed FMS 19.6.1 - OK, four weeks ago no 19.6.2 yet but should not make any difference.

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thanks @harvest - yes I tried to install from a new admin account I created and was told that this is not necessary due to FM installer installs its own user group apparently (?)

I will see if Hetzner offers a 30d trial and install there. Using Strato for last 5 years with Windows Server to host FMS with zero downtime and even entry level VMs very performant ..


Sorry, I have no idea. I just click a button and the server is there. The magic behind this is @airmoi's.
No, seriously, we indeed do not deploy on M1… for now. It will make more sense soon.

With intel mac docker installation of fms 19.6 was successful. I tried to move that image to M1 and I was able to run it with additional --platform linux/amd64 parameter but could not sign in to admin console. Also fmsadmin console command was giving host unreachable error. So no luck with that yet.

On intel mac it run just fine and I'm sure this image can be used for deploying it in linux server. So the most important step was achieved probably