I confess to having a luddite streak. If the older version does what I want it to, and the newer version changes behaviors in which my fingers have memorized the old ways, why should I be using the most modern release?
Well, this year's client consultation gigs and temporary full employment gig have yanked me out of my old-ScriptMaker™ shell.
Is it just my lack of familiarity with a scripting environment that by all rights I should be well-used to by now, or has Claris/FileMaker made it well nigh impossible to touch-type one's way through a script? How the bloody hell does one make "Specify Field" pop up when invoking a Set Field without reaching for the mouse? How does one invoke the "Specify Calculated Value" part? How does one move a script step up above the script steps, or move it down below existing ones?
I've developed in 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 on various occasions (cussing the whole damn time) but prior to 2017 I was most often able to keep using rickety old 13 and the ScriptMaker (umm, Manage Scripts'er??) for the twelvefold speed increase I'd get from being in an environment where I could create script steps nearly as fast as I could think of them.