Momma’s taking a vacation

When I am on "vacation", I work in morning and evening a few hours. And between, we do something with family like sight seeing.

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you are right, we don't know about the timezone she's in, so maybe it is early in the morning or late in the evening at here vaccation resort

I received an email about one of Christians postings..

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Certainly not!
But I can show you protocols from my web server firewall. The covid crisis appears to result in an increase of spam and brut force attacks from the usual suspects. Geo-IP's from Romania, Ukraine, some central Africa states and China.

Can you ask the provider for any evidence and protocols? Would be useful to analyse the kind of threat. Depending on the result, maybe a Geo-IP blocker for certain location would be needed.

I LOVE discourse team!

They confirmed it was a phishing attempt. Glad I didn’t click the link. I am usually good at spotting it.

Our emails are handled by Discourse anyway!
I tested all my domains with Bluehost and they work fine.

I think i should go back to oblivion... hem, vacation!


I was kidding because of your previous post about being naughty.

Yes spammers should get out of their basement and catch a drift of Covid. It would help the world!

But back to spams and attacks:
Are there any protocols which give a hint (email-address, IP-Adress) of the sender?
There's also a small chance that a security issue is caused by web server hoster. I'm just speaking of experiences comparing two Swiss Webhoster. One with many customers targeted by brut force attacks, no issues with the other provider.

yes. I'm getting them.

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Wow. That's an highly targeted attack.

(a) you've got a forum
(b) you're about to leave for holidays
(c ) therefore more likely to make a hasty action to solve a problem.