Moving Favorite Hosts from previous version to FileMaker on windows

Working on updating FileMaker Pro on our machines and looking for a way to avoid manually entering all our favorite host yet again. I found this article explaining were they are in the registry and decided to try it out by adding a new entry in my old install.

I used the below code and it worked on entering a new key and it looks good with in the registry but it is not showing up in FileMaker. Anyone tried this before and have suggestions on what I might be doing wrong?

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\FileMaker\FileMaker Pro\19.0\FavHostInfo\Entry19]

Turned everything off and then on again?

I did. I at first just closed FileMaker and when I finely decided to reboot I had some hope. But still no luck.

Does [Entry19] mean that this is the 19th entry in the host list ? If so, are there [Entry1] to [Entry18] ?

It's a short in the dark, but I wonder if a missing entry could prevent the following ones to miss.

The entries start at 0 so in total I had 19 and with my test I added a 20th that is not working.

I have never had that many Favorite entries so speculating that it can only show 19? That would seem to be an odd number to stop at though.

If you want to, you could test this be deleting a couple of entries from within the FileMaker app, then go into the Registry. The Entry numbers should have reset themselves. Then try adding your new entry and see if it shows up.

I should also say that I haven't played with the registry in regards to FileMaker before either. I only use FileMaker on Windows once and awhile.

Well with more testing and more confusion I think I am just going to move on. It is a neat idea but not if it just well seems like magic.

I started deleting and adding entries to see if I could see patterns and now I have a working favorite in FileMaker that are not in RegEdit at all. I have no idea how this works but adding them manually is definitely not working. I am missing something important that is for sure.