OmniFocus and Agenda

agenda seems to be on discourse

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Yes - that’s why I posted this

A while back, I was looking for an alternative to ‘OmniFocus’ because their improved interface under iOS did no longer match my needs and some basic stuff like sharing items in a team was never realized

After doing a visit on ‘Things’, I found ‘Agenda’ with that ‘demo-Yak project’… quite some processes were not integrated, some things might be ugly - but the developers are ‘humans’, present in the Agenda-forum and they add features.

Agenda won an award (by Apple), looks fresh, syncs without any hassles - and fits my basic needs

They also came with a fresh forum - looks like discourse…

I like 2Do.

I looked at Things also.

OmniFocus was not a good choice for me either since, for one thing, you cannot set a date when a recurring 2Do should stop.

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it’s a funny thing…

I would have a filemaker-based to-do application within minutes (with only a simple interface) - but one really important thing for me is syncing between all of my devices…
That’s why I don’t do to-do’s with filemaker

OmniFocus has one feature that is outstanding: Show… You can switch between done, active, future, whatever - and the done-ones are very important here (to check when something was done, when a to-do was created (might be undone but obsolet in the meantime…), etc.

Agenda lacks several thing I would love to have - but let’s me maintain my to-do’s, share them with colleagues (copy, mail, etc), that’s why I’m using it