Script WorkSpace Behaving Odd?

For a few weeks now my script workspace has been acting funny.
Sometimes I can not edit the script or enable/disable any of the lines.

A coworker mentioned the same thing happened to him today. Closing FM application did not work. After restarting the computer, it went away. MBS is installed.

Has anybody seen anything similar to this?

You’re on Mac? I think that came with a macOS update. In my opinion it's not a FileMaker issue.

I am on Mac yes. So others are experiencing this as well?
At first I thought I was doing something wrong….

I realize similar behaviour in the web browser and other apps.
In my case clicking into the Finder and coming back into the application solves the problem.

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Experience this issue on a daily basis, though may not be exactly the same issue. Layout becomes unresponsive, or a script, can't click or do anything. Solution for me is go into layout mode, object inspector, and select some objects via inspector, this tends to kickstart it again... super frustrating.

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I've encountered some unusual behavior in Script Workspace, similar to what you described. After leaving SW open for a while, I sometimes can't make other applications active when I return—FileMaker seems to hijack clicks and keeps me in SW. However, I can close FMP to resolve it.

Another issue arises with longer scripts (around 300 lines) where lines get scrambled or indented incorrectly before saving, but everything returns to normal after saving. I'm on macOS 14.5, using FMP 21.0.02. I haven’t noticed this in FMP 19 or 20.

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Do you mean this issue?

Confirmed to happen without plug-in.


Thanks Christian. This is precisely the second issue I was talking about.

That happens to me as well. Super crazy...

I’m having the same problem. Selecting objects did not reliably work for me. My most recent fix is layout switching. Move forward and then back a few layouts. Another option is opening dialogs, such as conditional formatting, doing a few things, canceling then return to the layout. No one thing fixes it. Sometimes I have to do all of those things.

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