What do you want to see happening?

I introduced the topic in what it takes to move forward since the thread has derailed and that many had a go at the derailed discussion, it is fair to let others have their words at it so I leave it at that.

This is the last time i will try to engage on what to do with our community here. Only respond if you want this community to continue to exist.

  • Please do NOT discuss FMI or anything related to the official Community and platform.

  • Do not discuss whether MFSC should or should not exist.

  • Assume that MFSC Demo site will be closed because the proof of concept phase is completed and that the future of this community is in your hands

Failing to the above 2 first guidelines will indicate that the will to grow the community is less important than the desire to vent, rehash, and discuss matters that we have no control over/conversations that bring no value and take us nowhere.

Consider that you have no idea whether CĂ©cile will continue in the same capacity but that all the current features will remain.

If you want this place to remain active:

  1. Pledge your desire and committment to making it happen

  2. Do share about one or many of the following topics:

  • why or how important is this community to you
  • what do you envision for it,
  • what would you otherwise do to satisfy these needs and vision
  • what expectations do you have regarding the other members
  • what are the circumstances that could change your committment
  • anything else (related) you want to share.

Thank you.


sometimes, it is hard for me as a non-native english to understand, sometimes it is hard to express myself so that it is clear - and in a correct, ‘non-swearing’ mode.
(I often use ‘DeepL’ for checking my phrases, but even so, I could not pass the ‘swearing filters’

My english teacher (a long time ago) was Australian, he had a somewhat ‘rude tongue’ - but he used to name things directly, what I still do like.

We (here at my place in Switzerland) are far away from the tone that is somewhat ‘normal’ in Germany (for example on the ‘Heise Forum’), but we seem to speak in a not-so-nice-way, according to the ‘other’ forum.

What I would love to have, is a place (a ‘forum’) where we can discuss things mostly filemaker-dependent, in an independent manner, means that we can discuss, name issues/problems that are not straight supported by today’s filemaker directive. I mean, I posted several issues and got responses like ‘You have to fill a feature request’, when insisting I got even a penalty one or another time (with the next release of filemaker, some of the points have been fixed - without any words about that)

As mentioned earlier, a couple of years ago, I was an admin and a moderator in 3 forums (2 located in the US) with quite some users (probably much more than on filemaker community). I did moderate
 I did lock/hide postings, threads, Yes
 but today, I am thinking that this was not (not always) the right way. (2 of the forums were driven by invision, btw.)

So, I would love to have an ‘open’ forum (but without personal attacks, without offending) - but also with less ‘faning’ (filemaker is really a very good product - but not perfect)

A couple of years ago, there were local FBA meetings, filemaker came to the town, we could discuss all things, we got answers, we got help. Today, there are no more personal meetings. There might be a meeting for FBA at the German FileMaker Konferenz, but there, we are drilled for sales/marketing missions more than technical stuff. The WIP does not sound here
 (WIP - workplace innovation platform)

I do not know, what is best concerning mfmc - I do not have much time. But I am willing to support mfmc



That sounds like a good reason for mfsc. I remember seeing a few English-as-a-second language speakers penalised at the FileMaker community forum for “inappropriate” posts. As an Australian, I’m aware that there are often misunderstandings that occur because of the way that I express myself. “English-as-spoken-in-USA” is obviously very different to my first language.

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LOL, thought we spoke the same language until I went over there to race in the early 80s. What with utes and roots, etc. Was totally lost for a while, despite spending a lot of time with UK based Aussies.

Remember an interview on TV with Ralph Schumacher a few years ago in his early days and he’d learnt his English in the garage and pits. Resulted in some very colourful interviews until he matured a bit, the later ones were much less fun.

Also, enjoyed a post on the old forum regarding whether FM developers could add letters after their names. Can’t remember who the Aussie was and daren’t repeat the conversation here, but Taylor Sharp needed some Aussie vernacular clarifications, which were obscure enough to get past the moderators.


need a platform

  • for peer discussions
  • as a knowledge base
  • keeping the knowledge base available
  • sharing developer jokes
  • putting my own work in perspective

I commit to support the community with $100 per year.


For me a FileMaker community is a place where I can find information that might not be available in the standard help area.
I agree with the list from @Torsten, especially about putting my own work in perspective. I am a solo developer and this is important.
I do not comment very often, but do when I think my experience provides something of value.
I commit to support the community with US$100 per year.
Lastly - Thank you @Cecile for taking the time to start this.


I would also pay a US$100/yr

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Thank you for considering to support the financial aspect. Hopefully, with the current plan, hardly a fraction of it will be necessary.

I understand that everyone’s time is limited and that a financial help is often more easy to plan and commit to than time, especially without clear description of activities and the time required to execute them.

My hope is that given the ease of use of Discourse, the greatest of time contribution that will ever be required of us is simply our participation itself to the channels.

If more is needed, I believe we will be able to split it and make it clear so that the load does never end up too great for any one contributor.

I was discussing with @Malcolm how we should handle things. We looked both into New Zeland and Canada’s rules to register an association or incorporate a not for profit. It would run around $300 to incorporate plus $20 yearly for filing.

Spending $300 to be able to handle $300 of course doesn’t make sense. So if you are comfortable with it, we can use my paypal account ( it is empty as I only have it to use my credit card on sites that only use paypal. I can provide monthly statements since any money in there would be MFSC.

As an alternative, Malcolm suggested that we could spread the bills for initial set up and hosting among the contributors to be paid directly by them.

I visited the initial setup expert’s site and was a bit disappointed to learn that the 100$ setup is for the basic install. For a complete install with the plugins and be able to respond through emails (all that we currently have) it will be 250. Still we are within budget and 5 months of hosting. I ‘ll cover taxes if needed.

Let us know your thoughts. We are within 67 hours of the end of the trial.

If everyone prefers taking the time to raise a bit more and set things formally, we can pay Discourse org 1 month of hosting (100) while we get things setup.

Voice your preference and we’ll do the best conciliation of the group preference we can accommodate.

An association should be the way to go. It is supposed to exist longer than a single year.
I can cover the 100 for the following month.
CĂ©cile, I will send you a private message for managing payment.

As a developer here in Switzerland too, I fully agree with Markus and I am interested in MFMC for the one or two years I will go on, developing FM databases before I will retire ...



Super, dich hier zu treffen!

Welcome Louis!

May I suggest a name change: ‘mfm.community’

Thus avoiding the company and product name in the title and url. It would make the ‘this is not the official site’ disclaimer redundant. Instead we would have a subtitle like ‘a community for FileMaker developers and users’.

What do you think?

I agree. I was uneasy about keeping it as it is. I wonder if they take returns on community’s tld :thinking::laughing:

Let’s explore some suggestions and have the association buy it when it’s constituted

I considered when I initially set up
but it felt sneaky and not serious.

fm.community is short and sweet. Becomes my.fm.community when set up. Of course godaddy controls it so it sells and renews at 183$ Instead of the regular 36$ for community tlds at bluehost for example.
ifm. (Independent FileMaker)
ffm (favorite)
fmud (users developers)
and many more are available for 56.$

but having ‘filemaker’ somehow in the url makes it easier to find for new users

FileMaker’s official guidelines on how their trademark can / cannot be used is here (it has a section dedicated to websites and domain names, but reading the whole thing is recommended): Trademark Guidelines — FileMaker

Also, if we want to be looking at possible change of name / domain, I suggest this be done in a separate topic, with everyone free to brainstorm & suggest names, maybe ending with a poll for the ones that stand out. For the ones that @Cecile mentioned, I kind of like FieldMakers, but I’m not specifically attached to the “.community” ending.

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When we change names, I will put a redirect on the current one and renew at least a year. That way the benefit is still there :slight_smile:

Thanks for the heads-up. The guide lines are pretty clear.

FileMakerToday.com and FileMakerMagazine.com both have been around for a decade or more without infringements. Might want to ask Matt Petrowsky of FileMakerMagazine, what the story is on his use of the trademarked name embedded in his site.

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I think I have a good news: my hosting plan currently allows a volume of emails upt to 750 per HOUR on filemakers.community.
That should definitely cover our needs!
I host with BlueHost.