Baby name brainstorm

I like the “fm” part, but I’m wondering if the “dev” part might scare off newcomers, and “talk” seems last century, people seem to “chat” nowadays.

What about:

It is short, memorable, current, to the point, and I always feel that “.org” feels warmer and more inviting than “.com”.

You are correct!

Love the last-century-wording…

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We are covered :relaxed:

‘talk’ is more committing than ‘chat’.

not sure if ‘dev’ would scare people away. My guess is that even non-dev people interested in FM will have a look, just out of curiosity.

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Given the recent changes to FileMaker and the expansion of the group offerings with Claris connect etc should we be looking at something that aligns with those changes.

What would you suggest as a name?

claris stands for 2 products - ‘FileMaker’ remains. Even with ‘Claris FileMaker’ as search term, so fm is ok for me

I was tempted to put in ‘ClarisWorks’ but guess that’s been done before. I like as it pretty much covers all the bases and we can’t second guess Claris’ future marketing and branding.

As a logo I see a blue cat playing the organ

That would be :wink:

I’m a French Canadian native speaker. When I see chat, I think of meowing beings, not humans :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I am still unconvinced with the name, despite that we voted for it…
Anyhow, I’m eventually going to push the buy button…

Yes… sounds a bit like ‘too many friends [placebo]’…

but… everything with ‘fm community’ might be asked by sooner or later

so, fmchat might be the modern variant

Fm isn’t a protected trademark and can’t be (fm cannot be trademarked) same for community.

I know…

maybe good to show them how a community (forum-) software should work (-:

It is true that both fm and community are not trademark-able…but is that the relationship you want to have with them?

fm gets used a lot. And they seem fine with it. To combine FM and Community may cause bad blood.

Yes I agree with you, chat for meowings conversation and cat for catalogs and pay. I prefer chat.


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Community is a generic word. And FM something is also used by others. There is no regal title.

To avoid confusion: this forum is in no way competing with the platform vendor’s real estate.
This is something completely different, offering something completely different.

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Funny, the furry creature also sprung to my mind when reading fmchat :cat2:

I was not part of the meeting, but if it was voted for, that should make the decision easy. Things are not set in stone and a name change could be subject to a vote further down the road.

Now specifically regarding the 'community' part of the naming, my angle is this: Claris is already positioned with the name "FileMaker Community". Regardless how someone could legally or not surf on the same naming with a .org or .community domain is moot for me. The one thing that I care about is google ranking and Discourse will simply never outrank Claris's own content if the name is that close to the designation used by Claris. We should have a name that is CLEARLY DISTINCT from what Claris is using for that reason: when it comes to google rankings you are better to pigeonhole yourself rather than surfing someone else's wave and be listed on the 45th page of google results.