In FM Go 18, I have to click in a field twice to be able to input data. Why?

I have a file that is being hosted on FMS 18. I am accessing it from FM Go 18 using an iPad Mini 2 running iOS 12.4.5.

When I click in a field from another field, the keyboard pops up, like it's allowing me to type. If I do though, nothing is actually entered into the field. The suggested words show up like they usually do, as though I'm actually typing. Clicking the layout background from this state, does not dismiss the keyboard either.

In order to actually type into a field, I must click into the field, wait a split second, then click into it again.

I first noticed this on a file I had been using for a while, and thought maybe it was something to do with that file. But I created a new file and it still occurs.

I tested this with several other iPads and iPod Touches all running iOS 12.4.5, and the same thing occurs on all of them. I also tested this with my iPhone XS using FM Go 18 running iOS 13.3.1, and everything runs as expected.

Any help? Suggestions? Known workarounds?

Update: Everything works as expected on the 12.4.5 devices when the Toolbar is showing.

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