PDFs and container fields not working suddeny

Suddenly my container field won't show the content of a PDF. In some records, I see just an Acrobat icon and in other records, the entire field has a gray background, as if it's trying to display the pdf and can't.

Is anyone else experiencing this?

I'm on Windows 10 Pro, FM 18 Pro with Acrobat DC.

Not sure. IE is still there, although it's not my default browser.

I had both Acrobat Reader and Acrobat DC installed. I uninstalled Reader, and Filemaker launched Acrobat DC automatically when it encountered a PDF in the record.

I uninstalled Acrobat DC, and now Filemaker is trying to launch whatever app is used to read PDFs (i.e., asking what app to use).

EDIT: I should add that this initial behavior in my OP started a couple of weeks ago.


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